Sunday, June 24, 2012

Activities: Day Two and Day Three!

Unfortunately, due to lack of batteries, I don't have any morning shots! 

However, our AM Activity was another walk at the park with our friend Denise.  We love walking so much that you may see a repeat of that activity!

Lunch: Applesauce and Spinach Ravioli.  She looks so serious, doesn't she?

After her nap, my Lulu tends to wake up a little cranky.  So Mommy has a snack ready to go, and she is allowed to watch one episode of Little Einsteins. 

Our PM Activity today (Day Two) was puzzle-mania.  We invited Patty and Darren over again to partake.  Lucy actually did very well on her puzzles, she understood that the pieces had to go somewhere (besides her mouth, that is!)


Morning Breakfast: Mommy made Chocolate Chip Muffins! Yum!
AM ACTIVITY: Walk with Patty and Darren around our own neighborhood.

She was very good the entire time.  Talked up a storm.

Lunch Day Three: Cheesy Cauliflower and Peaches.  She ate the whole plate.  So hungry!

Snack: Grapes and Turkey
PM ACTIVITY: Finger painting!

We bought her an art smock and she was excited.

She loved the feel of the paint between her fingers.

We did four paintings total.  She loved smacking her hands on the paper, and she would ask for the colors by pointing.  I swear she tried to say the word "yellow" when I asked her if that was the color she wanted.

After, because she was so messy and it was so hot out, we hosed off outside and had some pool time!

What a great Friday.  We will see you all back with an update on Monday!

Love, Meg and Lucy

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Momma May Be On Summer Break, but I am still Planning!

Introduction to my summer project: Lulu's Activity-Filled Summer! 

I have not been updating as much, because school has kicked me in the dupa and left me exhausted.  Now, however, I am on summer break, and get to be a stay-at-home mom for 2 whole months.  As ecstatic as I am, it also scared the begeezees out of me.  Daycare had Lucy so structured.  She was always so involved with play and activities.  I immediately thought, Wow.  Lucy is going to be so bored with me.

So...with that terrifying thought, I began my summer project.  Lucy and I are going to have a fun-filled summer.  Not only am I scheduling events and activities, but I am planning healthy meal options and also, projects for myself during nap times.  It will be a structured summer, but a good one, and thought that my blog was the perfect place to document it.  This blog of course is dedicated to my children, in loving memory of my son, Gabriel.  I will be creating another blog, an edublog, to document school stuff and of course use as my web page/blog for my classes in the 2012-2013 school year.  I am excited to take my blogging to a new level, and will seriously be making the commitment to updating daily. 

So, here it is.  Activity Day 1!!

Lesson Planning isn't hard for me, for high schoolers anyway.  I actually get a kick out of planning their 180 school days.  But with Lucy, it is a whole new ball game.  She has only a 20 second attention span, and needs constant attention right now.  She doesn't really free-play, she wants something more involved.  My plan: have free play until breakfast, then have a morning activity, then lunch, free play, and nap.  After nap, have a lengthy PM activity, with a snack somewhere in there, and then dinner by 6:30.  I think that sounds pretty structured, and hopefully I can come up with some fresh ideas too.  If any reader out there has any suggestions, please comment! 

Here is my calendar that I made for this week.  It started on Tuesday, because we were in Las Vegas until Monday afternoon.

I am trying to schedule meals in advance, so it makes grocery shopping easier too.  If I don't know about dinner, I will fill in the blanks later, obviously.    The other stuff box is for Mommy, and today I added a checklist of items I wanted to get done during her nap time. 

Day 1/Activity 1 (AM): Walking at Wildwood Park
Since I was having a great time on the walk, I forgot to pull out my camera, but we got some shots in the car before leaving the park.  We invited my friend Patty with us and her son Darren, who is 13 months, and it was a great time.  We walked from 10 am to 11:15.  The kiddos snacked on goldfish and Patty and I got to have some adult convo time! 

Day 1- Lunch- Eggs, Cheese, and Grapes!  Yum!

Day 1/Activity 2: (PM): Outside Play: Water Table and Pool Time!
Snack: Chex Mix

Again, we invited Patty and Darren and had outdoor playtime with the new toys we bought.  The table said that it provided "hours of fun" and Darren and Lucy were pretty preoccupied from about 3pm to 5 pm! 

My little bear had a great day!  She only napped 45 minutes today, but was tuckered out by 9 pm!! 

I am so excited for tomorrow!  I know it is the first day in, but I loved today so much!